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A ghost of christmas past yet to cum

 ‘Twas the night before the night befor christmas, and all through the house, not a creatures was stirring. Well, save the only two people in the house.   

Avery’s parents were divorced and he was trapped with his dad this year. Something that was so dull it was likely to drive him to minor insanity from the pure uneventfulness of it. His father Thomas was a boring, no thrills, play everything safe kind of individual which made doing anything fun next to impossible during the time he had to stay with him. It was weird because it made him wonder why it was his mother had left dad in the first place, what was there to possibly be worth getting a divorce over. 

He sat around playing a video game in the living room, tv muted, headset on. A bored 17 year old with nothing to do. 

“Hey buddy” he heard his dad before he felt a package land on the spot on the couch below his feet. got a gift in the mail today” 

He stared at the plain package and picked it up 

“Figure if you want you can open it before christmas, if you want” he heard his dad say. As he looked at the name on the package. It was from his british buddy, Adam. 

“I’ll be in basement working on my models if you need me, don’t hesitate to holler” the voice of his dad shrank away as Avery paid more attention to the package, waiting a while before ripping it open. 

In the small box was a ‘Christmas Cracker’ , and a note 

“Hey Avery, thought I’d give you something local from my part of the world as a gift, pull it open and enjoy the gifts. I included something thats going to blow your mind, you’ll love it. Trust me” 

Avery tilted his head, well adam was always cool for his weird little diy gifts he’d occasionally ship overseas to him, had no reason to believe it wouldn’t be cool now. 

He quickly tugged one end of the cracker off, tilted it and the contents slid out. A paper crown (dumb) a slip of paper with a joke on it (What did the horny elf want for christmas? A sexy vixen) and- FUCK! He grumbled as he watched one of two glass vials roll off the couch and disappear somewhere into the carpetted floor. 

Inside the glass vial was a pink liquid, the kind of pink liquid that screamed one of two things “bubble gum flavor” and “girl.” Why Adam had sent him something like this was beyond him but if it was going to “blow his mind” he was curious to what it would do. 

Avery pulled the stopper from the vial, giving it a quick sniff. His sinuses completely cleared themselves and he felt his body become wide awake with attention. Skin rapidly covered in goosebumps as the sweet aroma filling his head triggered an wild reaction of physical and mental arousal that stopped the few thoughts he was having dead in their tracks. 

A tiny, tiny rational thought in his head thought ‘perfume’ and yet his instinct had prodded him into tilting his head back and drinking the entire vial into his mouth all of it vanishing in a single gulp. 

Avery’s mind cleared a moment as he realised what he’d just done. He had no idea what the fuck that was or even why he’d drank it. 

His gut suddenly burned with pain. Perfume. He’d just drank perfume. He’d poisoned himself and he was gonna fucking die now. 

His survival instinct kicked in and he shot up to his bedroom. His phone. Poison control! 

Avery’s mind raced as the burning in his stomached roared, pushing out into his limbs, a trip and a stumble up the stair as he felt his shoes feel loose. 

“Ohhhh god, please...let me live” he pleaded as he pulled himself forward. His body seemed to crack and pop with each step; legs thinning, out, waist shrinking, there was an awareness that he’d walked out of his shoes, pants and underwear as he finally tripped and fell through the doorway into his room. 

Another loud crack as he fell, landing on his hip. Something in his rational mind screamed “fracture” as his spine seemed felt like it was going to break as it forced him into a feminine posture, his chest pressing out as he reached to claw at his chest, tingling running all over his body, with out his knowing his body hair was falling out, the floor and his clothing feeling suddenly uncomfortable against his entirely bare body, while unquestionably he could feel his legs growing longer and more shapely. 

Rationality had died. What he thought was stomach poisoning and some sort of systematic destruction of his physical body, was a “destruction” of a kind. 

Avery squirmed, and let out a low moan that escalated in pitch slightly, his chest hot and feeling like putty as he watched his ribcage shrink, rapidly adjusting as fat pushed up and out of his chest into a shape that was undeniable in the same way that he realised his cock was steadily shrtinking whilst giving him the most amazing orgasm as it dribbled away the last of it’s semen into his underwear. 


Down in the basement Thomas calmly worked with bits of plastic, tweezers, and glue. In the time since the divorce he’d found his new therapy in the form of model cars and planes, there was a calmness in it. 

He moved to adjust his christmas that he wore to keep himself in the christmas spirit. He sighed at the sense of melancholy that persisted though, maintaining the illusion of christmas cheer had grown harder with age especially with how distant he could feel himself growing from his son. He hoped that with the pair of rc drones he’d bought them this year, maybe this year they’d find something to rekindle that bond they had when he was younger. 

Somewhere upstair he heard a thud, and a very distant grunt that sounded like avery..or a girl. Weird, the only other kids in the neighbourhood Avery’s age were had left for the holiday with their own families.

He made his way upstairs “Avery?” he called out and looked around, he saw evidence of his suns dash upstairs, and he walked forward when a small glint caught his eye. 

Thomas' blood ran cold as he looked at the lonely vial on the floor. 

‘Look at that~’ a voice whispered into his mind 

Horror grasped his heart “No” he tried to shake his head as all thoughts of concern for his son ran from his head as the much more pressing concern presented itself. 

The voice cooed from the part of his mind that he’d thought he’d locked off. ‘Oh was only a matter of time till this happened.” Tina, his old self. 

He remembered her. A decade ago she’d cost him his marriage, worse she’d nearly cost him his life.

Tina had been a way to “spice things up in the bedroom”. Born from Elixir she was meant as a  once-in-a-while kind of something that was supposed to placate his wife Casey’s needs as a bisexual woman. Something that had been successful until they both came to the painful discovery that Tina just would not keep her pussy in one place when it came to partners. And worse she behaved entirely separate from Thomas' will. Something that very rapidly brought on the dissolution of his and Casey’s marriage when she started to become more and more controlling of their body. 

It was by some miracle that he’d woken up alone as himself in a hotel room. It was from their he’d gone cold turkey. And while he couldn’t undo all the damage, he’d done as much mending as he could to the bridges that Tina had set a blaze when she was in control. 

And yet here she was now. The ghost of his naughty past now whispering in his ear as he stared unblinking at the vial of elixir at his feet. 

He blinked. He was holding the vial now. 

“You know you want this Tom. You missed me, don’t pretend you didn’t love the way our legs felt, our tits. You were so clever to hide from the world the way you were doing like that. But we both knew something like this would inevitably happen."

He almost felt her hand on his cheek as the smell filled his nose. 

He couldn’t. 

‘You can’

It would cost him his son. 

‘We were meant to be, baby’ 

His life…

“Together as one” 


Avery gasped and moaned as she lay there on the floor, a finger plunged deep into her newly blossomed pussy, writhing as she felt so alive in the moment. She’d need to thank Adam for this. 

All sorts of thoughts passed through her mind and all of them dripped sex. 

Instinctually she knew she should be scared and panicking but she just did not care. 

Further somewhere she knew she’d grown older, a hot twenty-something cumming on the floor of a teenagers bedroom.The only thought in her head;  she’d need to take selfies for adam to look at later. 

The doorknob turned and suddenly Avery’s thought’s raced. Her dad. How the fuck was she even going to begin to explain this?! 

“Well what do we have here, here I’d thought Tom had a son.” a woman smiled down at her 

“Who...where did dad go?” 

The woman smiled down at avery with a grin that shined with comprehension and deviation. “Ah~ I see what happened, well I guess like father like son then” 

Avery gasped “Dad?!” 

“, better than” she reached down and grabbed Avery by the hand “I think I’ll name you Ava” 

Ava bit her lip as she was lead to the front room by her parent and soon to be lover. 

Thomas had hoped to find something to bring him and his son closer and now the ghost of his christmas past had became an omen of christmas yet to cum. 


Something for christmas! 

I hope your holidays are hot as hell, and your new year kinky and wonderful. 

I made this as an entry for contest held in Evie's discord. nothing too challenging as it's my usual flair of tg, lesbians, and a touch of incest. 


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