Dennis had to find someone, anyone. The elixir was accelerating, but if he could find someone he could trust then maybe there was a hope he could pull himself out of the hell he’d created for himself. Months ago he’d stumbled on it, a metaphorical fountain of youth. A potion known only as the “Elixir” an alleged dirty secret floating around in less reputable portions of the scientific community, written off as laughably absurd at it’s best, and downright dangerous by less charitable. But worse, supposedly there were scientists he’d met that claimed to have experience with it, or at the very least had heard through a friend of a friend of what it could do. It could make you younger, and sexually desirable to everyone around you, more confident. As a scientific mind, he had to explore this. A means to refreshing your youthfulness? To enhancing confidence? If that could be reliable reproduced and made accessible to the world..he couldn’t fathom the possibilities....